Student handbooks for the 22-23 school year have been updated and approved by the school board. Click here to view our updated handbooks.
The Texas Department of Agriculture has brought back student meal rates for the 22-23 school year. Student Breakfast will be $1.50 and Student Lunch will be $3.05. Free and reduced lunch applications will go home the first week of school.
Chico ISD will be offering physicals on Tuesday July 26th for students in any extra curricular activity who still needs one. The physicals will be in the Chico High School gym from 3pm - 6pm and cost $20.
For athletics, we require students going into grades 7th, 9th, and 11th to get a new physical each year and encourage any student with a previous injury to also get a physical.
Chico ISD has uploaded our Elementary school supply lists to Target School List Assist for grade PK-5. Parents can add all items on their child's school supply list to their card with just a few click for home delivery. Click HERE to use Target School List Assist today!
PLEASE NOTE - items and brands displayed are generated by Target. Feel free to switch brands or styles, but be sure to follow the school supply lists for type and quantity.
Chico High School Freshman Orientation will be August 3rd from 9:30am - 12:00pm! This orientation is for Freshman and new students to CHS. Orientation includes schedule pickup, a building tour, several mini-sessions and FREE lunch! If you have questions, please reach out to Mrs. Brawner.
CHS Band Camp is July 25-29 (8am - 4pm) at Chico High School. Band Members - be sure to mark your calendars!
NEWS for the Class of 2021 - SENIORS
This will be your website source of information for your class.
—Sunrise/Sunset Event—
The class of 2021 is planning a wonderful event and new Dragon tradition. They’d like to have a “Sunrise - Sunset” event with all the seniors on the first day of school and the last day of school. This is the plan: at sunrise, on your last first day, you will all meet to eat breakfast and watch the sun rise. Then, on the last day, you’ll all meet again, one last time, in the same fashion to watch the sun set. The current plan is to have this event at the football field. It will be a great memory to make and a really nice tradition to start. Watch the Class is 2021 Facebook page for more details, but save those dates for this event.
—Senior Pics Info.—
Class of 2021 Senior Pictures Information
(Pictures will be on August 11th at the High School
Click on Link to see more information)
—Last first Day Shirt Sizes—
Click this link to give your class sponsor your size for your last first day shirt. Please submit by Tuesday, Aug. 11th.
Texas launched a new mobile app to help citizens report suspicious activity. See the DPS links below for more information.